Community Association.

What We Do For You

24/7 Maintenance

With our 24/7 Resident Portal, members are able to report maintenance at any time. Our team will determine if the issue is the HOA’s responsibility and dispatch accordingly. If it’s not an HOA issue, we guide members to the appropriate solution.

Flexible Payment Options

Monthly statements are sent to all members. We make it easy and convenient for members to pay dues through their Resident Portals. We also offer other forms of payments via mail or using an electronic payslip to pay dues at any Walmart or CVS store.

Monthly Reporting & Budgeting

Monthly board packets are distributed with detailed accounting, invoice copies and budget tracking. We assist the Board in maintaining a proper budget to meet reserve requirements and stay in compliance with State Laws.

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Customize Your Package

Every association operates differently and we build a package of services tailored for your community.

We use Appfolio as our full accounting software. All income and expenses are tracked and available to use in detailed reports. All association accounts are reconciled monthly and reports are provided for annual audits.

Reserve Fund Analysis

Proper management of the association’s reserves is crucial to funding projects and avoiding unnecessary assessments. We track and manage reserve funds to ensure compliance, review maintenance history and analyze the reserve study.

Monthly Board Packets

Each month the association’s board is given a full packet of detailed accounting, reports and copies of receipts. These reports are available for viewing and download 24/7 through our online portal.


We formulate budgets for the association’s review and approval. We can assist in the development of budgets if reserve “catch up” is required or if the members are wanting additional services and improvements.

Dues & Statements

We send out monthly statements to all association members and collect dues in a timely manner. Delinquency notices and late fees are enforcement when needed, including liens or other enforcement actions.

Lender and Title Certifications

When requested, our team will provide third parties the required set of association documents and complete certification forms for lenders. This is typically done during a refinance or sale/purchase.

Electronic Payment Options

Association members have multiple ways of paying their dues. We allow online payments using ACH (free), debit and credit cards. Members can mail their payments or use our electronic payslip, a unique barcorde that allows payment at Wal

24/7 Maintenance Center

Members are able to report maintenance at any time. Our team will determine if the issue is the HOA’s responsibility and dispatch accordingly. If it’s not an HOA issue, we guide members to the appropriate solution.

Vendor Management

We manage vendors assigned to do work at your association and verify satisfactory completion of all work. We verify all vendors are properly licensed and insured.

Vendor 1099s

At the end of every year, we will issue vendors the appropriate 1099 forms on behalf of the association in compliance with IRS guidelines.

Bid Procurement

Our team has the resources to procure bids from vendors needed for larger projects whether it’s a new roof that’s needed, a seismic retrofit, siding repairs or improvements to common areas.

Project Management

Our team will manage vendors and inspectors during the life of a project, to the completion and satisfaction of the association. This includes site inspections.

Insurance Coverage

Our team will assist the association in obtaining coverage renewals when needed. Additionally, our team will obtain insurance details from all association members in compliance with governing docs.

Board Meetings

We attend board meetings and assist in guiding meetings according to governing documents. Our team works with the board to create the agenda and properly notice all association members.

Recording Minutes

Meeting minutes are required as formal documentation of board meetings. Our team will assist in note-taking during meetings and create the meeting minutes for the boards approval.

Notice Service

Our team will create and serve members notices pertaining to past due payments, assessments, collections, lien placement, notice of projects or repairs, notice of entry, violations, newsletters or anything the board deems appropriate.


We assist the board during the process of nominations, announcement of elections, delivery of ballots and vote certification.

Secured Records

All records are digitized, encrypted and secured in Appfolio using two-factor authentication using various levels of access. This ensures private and confidential information is not given to an unauthorized individual.

Association Website

We assist the association in the creation and maintenance of a unique association website for its members. These sites are customizable and can come with many features.

Association Newsletter

Our designers are able to produce a custom newsletter to be distributed monthly, bi-annually or annually. The board can use this newsletter to provide important information to all members.