Our Story

Located in the Dallas Forth Worth MetroPlex , in a small town of Northern Dallas called Little Elm, we offer property owners a dedicated team to manage their investment properties at an affordable price and assist owners in market changes, new tax laws and asset planning strategies. This is our story.

Our company was founded by three brokers: Marc Guzman, Brian Baniqued and Davide Pio. Individually, we were each a powerhouse in our own respective fields but fate brought us together in 2017 (thanks Davide!). As they say, the rest was history. We joined forces to provide clients a range of services that were greatly needed in the investment community and with our collective understanding of an investment cycle, we tailored a business model that would allow investors to plug-and-play.

In the beginning, our company staff consisted of only the three founding brokers. As word got around of the type of services we were offering, clients quickly came onboard and found value in the services we offered. Today, the company is 25 individuals large and continues to grow as we expand our operations beyond Northern California. Additionally we have founded other companies that provide tie-in services to what BG Asset Management offers creating a single go-to source for investors, and we host a podcast.
But regardless of how big our company would become, it was our goal to ensure that every client felt as if they were our only client. We wanted to provide a level of service that made clients feel they had a friend in the community. We manage a wide range of properties from single family homes to large 100-unit apartment complexes, to commercial office space to storage facilities. Every client, whether it’s one unit under management or 200 units, receives the same level of communication and support from the management team.

Although we work hard at what we do, we also enjoy ourselves with some very cool hobbies such as: tabletop board games with miniatures, simracing, being a foodie, traveling the world, and producing movies.. and we tend to drag our clients into joining us in our hobbies. We are passionate about what we do in life and always strive to be the best. It’s what drives us everyday and we ingrain this into our companies, and culture. We hope we can serve your investment needs.